Honeycombers Feature

We were featured in Honeycomber's "Celebrate Hari Raya Puasa with sweet snacks and goodies: Cookies, kuihs, crackers and more" article earlier this year. Click on the following link to read on; https://thehoneycombers.com/singapore/hari-raya-snacks-singapore/
Have Halal Will Travel Feature

Have Halal Will Travel has featured us on their "20 Places To Get The Best Kuih Raya And Snacks In Singapore 2022" article. Thank you HHWT for featuring us! Click on the following link to read on; https://www.havehalalwilltravel.com/halal-kuih-raya-snack-singapore
Girlstyle Singapore Feature

We were featured in Girlstyle SIngapore's article on 12 Home-Based Businesses In Singapore For Unique Custom Cakes, Macarons & More Baked Treats. Thank you Girlstyle for your continued support to home based bakeries. Click on the following link to read on; https://girlstyle.com/sg/article/90866/home-based-bakeries-singapore